Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda...

Last night I blew it with my kids. All the "Gimme," "Can I have," "I need," and "When can we" got piled so high that I crumbled. I let self, frustration and fear overwhelm my heart. The ensuing tirade on my part was just plain ugly.

The sad thing is that I know exactly what went wrong.

I woke up yesterday morning and decided to clean house first. If I woulda stopped for a few minutes, hit my knees and given the day to the Lord, my heart wouldn't have been focused on dirt and garbage and messes...literally and figuratively.

I shoulda known better. It's not like He hasn't faithfully ordered my day time and time again, giving me serendipitous moments that left me joyful and not angst-ridden. I should have listened to that still, small Voice calling me to sit and listen before I put the next load of laundry in the washer.

I coulda had a much better day than I did. I could have taken time to gently instruct my children, like a mother caring for her babies, instead of a banshee howling at the moon. It's ironic how the battle to connect with the hearts of others always hinges on the outcome of the battle to connect my heart with God's.

Today is a new day. His mercies ARE new every morning. I woke up smellin' coffee literally (thank you, honey!) and figuratively (thank You, Jesus). And it's a good morning, Lord.

The Sovereign LORD has given me

an instructed tongue,

to know the word that sustains the weary.

He wakens me morning by morning,

wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.

Isaiah 50:4

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