Because gradually, she is moving into her own life. It's a good thing. It's not an easy thing, but it is good because that's the way God made this world. We are born, we grow, we learn, we leave, we join lives, we make a life, we give life, we raise lives, we love, we move, we change, we live. Life.
Only dead things don't move, so all things considered, I am excited to see our lives enter this new stage. Truly.
Kelsey graduated on June 1, 2012. It was wonderful. She was beautiful.
The march into the gym. She's the front white gown in this shot,
just rounding the corner. |
Presentation of a very hard-earned diploma. |
The family. |
The sweet, sweet friends. |
My really cool pink flamingo dress.
Who on earth wears a pink flamingo dress to graduation?! |
I am proud of my girl. She worked so very hard, and the road was NOT an easy one.
I am grateful that the Lord allowed her to achieve all that she did. She is His, and she shines for Him. She also received many accolades, for which she gives Him the glory. We do too. In case you missed graduation (and since our little nuclear family and our friends Shannon and Jocelyn were the only folks sitting on our family row), here is a list of the recognitions Kelsey received:
--Senior Superlative: Best Leader
--Class Officer: Senior Representative
--Gold Honor Cord (4.0+ GPA)
--National Honor Society
--Presidential Outstanding Academic Excellence (3.5+ unweighted GPA, 85th+ percentile on ACT or SAT)
--ACSI Distinguished High School Students (areas of Academics and Christian Service)
--Medallion Award (voted by faculty): Leadership
--Silver Honor Cord - 100+ community service hours
--Rainbow Honor Cord - Art National Honor Society
While this is a pretty cool list of earthly achievements and all of us are grateful to have some tangible representations of the fruit of all that labor, nothing compares to the work done on our behalf by Jesus. Nothing. Salvation is THE greatest reward we ever receive, and we do absolutely nothing to merit it. It's all Him. It's all grace.
We give thanks and praise to the Lord for the work He is completing in in her. He simply blows us away.