Sunday, January 27, 2013

Small group sent...

Living together in biblical community is both the messiest and most glorious thing, but today was awesome. I should probably wait for the picture, but I'm too excited.

We sent our first small group girl into the mission field. She's going to South Africa to work with Christian Surfers International. She'll teach at surf camps for kids, where she'll share the gospel. This first trip is five months long, and she can't wait to see where it will lead. Neither can we.

This afternoon at small group she and her family came by for a time of prayer as they were headed to the airport. She sat in a chair in the middle of the room; the women laid hands on her, and the men stood around the women in a circle. We took turns praying over her for everything imaginable. Then their whole family jumped into their van and headed to the airport. I imagine her momma may still be crying. It's both hard and easy to let go, but for the time being, I know she's sad not to have her girl in the house.

Yet her momma knows... we all know... that the gospel is bigger than our comfort and our preference. What a joy to walk with this sweet family for the sake of the gospel. Prayers for Kat!

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