Monday, June 9, 2014

Challenge 5... Norma 5-0...

Yep. The big 5-0. I turn 50 today. Yeah, I know. I don't look like I'm 50. I look more along the lines of 48 1/2. Thank you for the compliment. It's nothing, really. Good genes. My mom looks like she's in her 60's, but she's 80.

My plan is to declutter life periodically until I turn 51. Once I hit the big 5-1, I'm collecting butter tubs and pie pans and storing them in the attic, basement, garage, cabinets, etc. until I die when I am 100. By that time, my kids will be 70, 68, and 63, and they can declutter my butter tubs and pie pans. It'll be a fun, bonding experience, sorting through 50 years of containers that could potentially be "used for something someday." To make it a little interesting, I had a friend suggest that I put $20 bills in random butter tubs and tape $100 bills under a couple pie pans. Yeah, buddy. Sort through every. single. one.

Hahaha. Not really. Since I did my stint with FlyLady, I think I'd lose my mind if I didn't stay fairly well decluttered.

But, yeah. 50. I'm grateful. Fifty years has gone fast, and inside I'm pretty confident I'm still in my late 20's. I am blessed, and even though there have been some testy times, I must admit that my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places and I am VERY grateful for that. The Lord didn't have to do that, but He did. Grace... not just in the blessings of my life, but in the redemption of my life... yes, most of all the redemption... wow... He just leaves me speechless.

So Happy Birthday to me. Thank you, Lord.


Shannon Dingle said...

SO THANKFUL FOR YOU!!! Happy birthday, dear one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Norma!!! We love and miss you and your family!

Love, Joe, Paige, Sarah and Luke :)