No... that's not Tracey's house. That's my house. And I'm not REALLY going to toilet paper her house. She doesn't have nearly enough trees.
Bless her heart... and I really mean that...
Tracey tagged me with the daily schedule tag. Since ours is in transition right now, I'll go ahead and do one from a couple of weeks ago.
5:55am - Hit Snooze
6:04am - Hit Snooze
6:13am - Hit Snooze
6:19am - Alarm off ... Go wake Kelsey, Zane & Zack
6:20-6:40am - Shower and get dressed
6:41-6:46 - Daily Light
6:47-7:05- Toss a load of laundry in, go downstairs for breakfast, lunches, drink mug of coffee, fill travel mug for trip to school, gather indescribable amount of STUFF.
7:06-7:09- Yell, "If you don't hurry up and get your stuff and get in the car, we're REALLY going to be late
this time." Scurry around gathering football pads, homework print outs, jackets, shoes, life rafts, dinosaurs, Skittles, travel mug of coffee and whatever else helps us make it through the day.
7:10-7:30, depending on traffic on 540 - Drive to school, listening to the Q-Crew if they're decent. If not, or it there are too many political ads, we go to the oldies station. I prefer tobyMac CD's, but evidently I listen to them a bit much and my children refuse to ride in the car with me when they're on.
7:30-7:40 - Carline at NRCA... trying not to hit little high schoolers and their siblings as they dart through traffic anywhere but in the actual crosswalks. Wave at the other teachers and smile a "I don't have to do carline because I'm sub-parttime" smile.
7:40-8:00- Sit in car and pray. Real hard.
8:00-8:50 - Go to teachers' workroom, watch Fox News (it's the ONLY channel EVER on) and check email and talk to Nate, Suzanne, and Holly... and a few others who float through now and then. Jamie makes phenomenal tiramasu-flavored coffee. Kathy comes in and out. Occasionally I edit. And sometimes there's photocopying. Ooooooohhhhh!!! Don't you wish YOU could photocopy in the teachers' workroom?! You have to have a code to make the copier work. I can feel the sense of power coursing through my veins even now...
8:55-9:45 - I enlighten young minds about journalism. If you want to see what they've learned thus far, go to my
Journalism Class blog. That's not all they've learned, but it's the start of something beautiful. I hope. First issue will be out in a couple of weeks. We'll see then!
9:45-10:30 - Finish up editing, writing, interviewing, grading, photocopying, chatting, laughing, etc. and head to the gym.
10:50-11:50 - Work out... weights & cardio - MWF; cardio only - Tu & Sa... and ponder, "Why?"
12:00-2:40pm - Home, quick shower to wash off the gym funk, eat lunch, play ball with Pepper until she falls over. Towards the end of the ball-throwing she sounds like Thomas the Tank Engine as she's panting and panting. I check email. Then I read
The Drudge Report. Then the
WRAL.com. Then
Fox News. The I stalk tropical systems through the
National Hurricane Center. Sometimes I check out
Craig's List for ping pong tables. Then I check all the blogs and Facebook. Somewhere in there I switch the laundry around a time or two and put away clothes and do the Fly Lady's five minute room rescue somewhere. Grab another mug full of coffee and run out the door.
2:40-3:00 - Drive BACK to NRCA
3:05-3:30 - Pick up Zack and go to the SuperTarget to get a snack.
3:30-4:00 - Reading homework with Zack... in the car, where all great students do their best studying
4:00- 5:00 - Go to Kelsey's volleyball game. Cheer really loudly. Watch Zack run in and out of they gym and up and down the bleachers.
5:00-5:30 - Watch Kelsey take down the volleyball net with the team. Watch Zack run around the gym.
5:30 - 6:00 - Sit in the car and wait for Zane to finish football practice, doing more homework in the car. BRILLIANT!!!
6:00-6:20 - Go home.
6:20-7:00 - Cook dinner; help Zack with spelling words and memory verse, while Zane gets a shower and Kelsey either does homework or gets on Facebook
7:00 - 7:30 - Family dinner. Our objective each family dinner is to get SOMEONE laughing so hard that he/she shoots milk/Coke/water/MelloYello out his/her nose. It's not pretty. But it's FUN!!!
7:30 - 8:00 - Help Zane with math homework. Stop laughing. I am truly the best math student in the house. Pray for our children. Make sure Zack gets clean one way or another. Clean up kitchen. Clean out backpacks. Sign forms. Repack backpacks. Watch TV. Watch YouTube videos with the kids. Do another load of laundry.
8:00-8:30 - Family devotions and prayer time.
8:30-9:00 - Zack reads, gets 3 songs and goes to sleep.
9:00-9:15 - Tuck in Zane and stand on his ladder and listen to him talk about the day or plan for tomorrow or realize he forgot something that necessitates a late night trip to Wal-Mart or an unplanned load of laundry.
9:15-9:30ish - Tuck in Kelsey. Listen to her talk about her day. Wonder where 14 1/2 years went.
9:30-11:30-More laundry. Talk to Jimmy until he falls asleep in his recliner. Read more news websites. Work on blogs. Plan for teaching. Edit. Facebook.
11:30 - 12:30ish - Go upstairs and wash hair. Iron everyone's clothes for the next day. Fold laundry. Have a true Quiet Time.
Sometime between 12:30am and 1:00am - Go to sleep!
That's a day without evening commitments. There are also football games and parent meetings and church functions and Jimmy's business dinners and other things that take us out of the house at night.
Man... just reading that makes me tired.
My favorite part of the schedule... driving up to the house with my babies in the car, knowing we're home for the day.
I love my front door!
OK... now let me see if I can get
my house toilet papered... hummm...
Karen...Tina...Tag! What's your daily schedule?!