Monday, October 27, 2008


One of my favorite things about this season is the abundance of pumpkins. It's such a happy... veggie? ... fruit?* (I would check that out for certain, but I know there are those of you out there who will do it for me, so just message me on Facebook if pumpkins turn out to be a fruit. And then I'll go in and edit this post. Go on... check... you know who you are!)

Punkins, punkins... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

I love thee in my tart warmer, wafting fragrance every way...

I love thee in my coffee cup, as I start the brand new day...

I love thee in the tastiness of Krispy Kreme delights...

I love thee floating in the air from on the light so bright...

I love thee sitting on the plate where oft my punch bowl rests...

I love thee by the front door, greeting all our guests.

*My beloved punkins are fruits. Although... they do fall (ha ha ha ... bonus points for being punny) into the category of fruits that most people always call veggies, right along with cucumbers, tomatoes, and gourds. My, my, my... even our favorite cartoon series has fallen victim to cultural tradition over science. Oh, well. I still love my punkins!


Shannon Dingle said...

When I taught inclusion in a Biology class, the rule (which could have been oversimplified for HS) was the it was a fruit if it had seeds. So, by that definition, pumpkins are fruits.

HLo, you're a science chica, does that sound right? Or, even better, Norma, can't you ask your dear groom/former Bio teacher? :)

Tracey said...

Norma, you are so cool! I LOVE this season..and I would also love one of those doughnuts (which are not considered a fruit, just a deliciously sweet mound of carbohydrates) BTW, I tried the 'pumpkin latte' at Starbucks..yum!