Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Harris Teeter redo

Ever since the Ice Storm of '02 our boy Zacky has been addicted to chocolate milk. It's along story that deserves a blog post of its own, but I'm not going to explain it here.

[Focus, Norma. Focus.]

Have you seen the price of chocolate milk?! Oy! The good kind he really likes is nearly $5 for a half gallon. Seriously. So... we're letting Zack get hopped up on hormones and drink regular milk, but he's drinking a LOT less of it than he used to, so it evens out.

I found chocolate milk in a GLASS milk jug at Harris Teeter. Yeah, that's right. Harris Teeter. Glass milk jugs. I know! I didn't know they still exist either.

Anyway, it's a pretty little glass jug and I couldn't resist using it for flowers. Aren't they just darlin'? Yes, they are from my yard. And yes, I'm cheating as I took this picture a couple of months ago. The hydrangea bush has pretty much maxed out. But back then I just thought I had a cute vase. Now I'm celebrating the rebirth of an object that would have otherwise landed in the recycing bin.

No, I'm not going all left-wing militant environmentalist. I'm just trying to be a good steward of the resources with which the Lord has blessed us. And it's really kind of fun!


Jenn said...

You know if you take that glass jug back to the Teeter you get to exchange it for another (full) one for less money, right? I love the milk exchange! I feel so farm-girlish.

But I also love your use of milk-jug-as-vase. Very nice!

Gretchen said...

Love it!
So pretty!