Saturday, January 16, 2010

With love...

I love my job so much. My prayer is to love my colleagues and the students and their families in Christ. No paycheck or benefit package will ever be enough compensation for the manic lifestyle of a teacher. But love... that makes it all worthwhile.

I love the fact that encouragement runs rampant on the staff of our school. The other day I was very upset about something at church. I shared it with a friend/colleague. She listened and said, "Can I pray for you?" And right there, in the middle of the day--in the middle of the workroom, she lifted my burden before the Lord.

I love the fact that every single thing we teach is founded and grounded in God's Word.

I love the family of friends we have met through football and the encouragement they have given us to "love-on" our family and friends.

I love that I work with men and women who are deeply burdened for the lives of the students and their families. And that my colleagues invest countless hours in prayer for the kids by name. And countless more hours beyond that exhorting and encouraging the kids as they navigate wisely the tricky waters of the teen years. And I love that I share that burden and the privilege of prayer, exhortation and encouragement.

I love watching the students grow in their faith and their academic achievements. I love hearing them pray for each other and our nation and the tragedy in Haiti.

I love that after years of trying to find a ministry that fits the gifts and calling the Lord has placed on my life, I finally feel like I am doing what I should be doing.

I love that the whole family has a ministry there, too. The kids go to school, I teach at school, and Jimmy coaches. I love that our shared ministry has brought us closer together as a family.

I love that the administration practices love and care for our families. I love the birthday and anniversary cards. I love the quick encouraging words about our kids that come unsolicited from other teachers and principals. And, of course, I love the chocolate that arrives in perfect timing from Mary Z.

I've been praying that the Lord would put His love in my heart. I love that He is doing that!

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