Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crocks... in pot... not shoes. Although, I have eaten some crock pot meals that would have left me hard-pressed to say whether it was a shoe or formerly a food substance. Plus, you spell the shoes without a "k" at the end... Crocs.

There was a time not long ago when I announced that crock pots were so very 1970's and boxed up the two I had and took them over to Goodwill. Later, when I resurrected the old chili recipe, I found myself the owner of two crock pots once again. That is a long story for another day. Or maybe never. It's not really exciting.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Crock pot-a-phobia.

I love cooking fresh food quickly. We're BIG fans of various types of stir fry and I would MUCH rather eat a veggie raw that to see the life slowly stewed out of it in a giant pot cooking all day. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And I am there.

Without getting into the details of the mania that is the schedule this fall, just trust me when I say that I'm going to need some new strategies.

So... cooking friends... if you have a great crock pot recipe or knowledge of the ultimate slow-cooking website that doesn't kill innocent veggies by cooking them until they are unrecognizable piles of mush, will you be SO kind as to post a comment?


1 comment:

The Lord Family said... HAVE to visit this blog...Crockpot 365! A lady made a new year's resolution to use the crockpot every day. She has some really good recipes (and some not so good ones), but she gives great commentary on each dish. We had crockpot gyros last week and they were quite tasty. But, I bombed on the Tazitki sauce. Just go buy it at the Teeter. Trust me.
Here's the linky:
Hope this helps!!