Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In case you didn't know... I am on the editorial team of the Women's Ministry newsletter at our church. This issue we are talking about stewardship. I need help!!! (Not with stewardship... with this "ideas" piece. OK... I actually probably DO need help with stewardship, but that's not what I'm getting at here.)

I need examples of what women are doing to better use their family's resources during these tough economic times. Coupon clipping? Giving up certain luxuries? Shopping at consignment sales or Goodwill. Re-using/re-purposing old stuff. ANYTHING!

If you would please, please, please help me I would be ever-so grateful!!! You can post it as a comment here, if you'd like. Or you are welcome to email them to me, too.

Thanks y'all!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I have committed to not spend a penny this month at a restaurant, fast food or otherwise. I know this sounds like a small thing, but it is really big to me. I have always been quick to buy a soft drink at McD's drive thru or pick up a .99 burger at Wendy's because I was short on time and because I felt like a "earned" it on a tough day. It adds up. It has been easier than I thought. I will probably continue after the month committment. I established a goal of one month because it seemed more attainable and concrete. I have several other ideas but will not take up all your comment space.