Monday, December 21, 2009

Now I want a pony for Christmas...

After being silent for most of the fall season, I am apparently going to blog with a vengeance while school is out.

On Sunday we went to a Christmas party for Jimmy's work. His sales team leader, Ann, lives a little ways out from the city and has horses on her farm. She and her husband have a gorgeous house overlooking two small ponds in the front. In the back there is a Martha Stewart -worthy barn at the end of a stone pathway running from the house up a hill. They had a contractor dry in the barn, but her husband did most of the work inside. It is the most stunning barn I have ever been in, complete with a full kitchen and showers for the horses. That barn was nicer than our house.

As nice as the barn was, though, the best part was the residents. Right now Ann has a darlin' little miniature pony and a larger, oh-my-isn't-he-beautiful horse. The pony's name is Daisy Duke. Kelsey and I fell in love with the pony. We want one for Christmas. We'll need some Zyrtec in the stocking, though. Kelsey is apparently as allergic to horses as Jimmy is to cats. Oh well. Maybe we'll just put a bow on Pepper and pretend.

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