He did great! Oh my word, I have never seen a child bounce back that fast. He had surgery at 8:30a.m., and by 3:00p.m., he was beginning to eat us out of house and home. Thankfully he doesn't remember a bit about taking twice as long as most people to come out from under the anesthesia... or throwing up when we got home.
During his recovery, Zane ate six large boxes of Jello, approximately 10 lbs. of mashed potatoes, and we lost count at 8 qts. of ice cream. :) He was off the pain meds by Tuesday evening. So far, so good. He headed back to the weight room for workouts this past Thursday and did great.
In the midst of it all, I managed to come down with the flu. When I got home from school on the Friday that kicked off Thanksgiving break, I had a fever of 103. It dipped to 100.2 on Monday, long enough for me to take Zane to his oral surgery appointment. Then it spiked again to 102ish Monday night, where it stayed until the following Saturday morning. Jimmy had to work, so I did what all good health care providers do when they have the flu. I masked up and gloved up and went right on taking care of Zane until Jimmy got home.
It wasn't fun. I don't like the flu. Once I went to the doctor and got on antibiotics for the secondary infection, I rounded the good corner and was fever free 48 hours later. My sweet, sweet friend Dorothy had Zack over to play with her boys one afternoon and when she brought him home, she decided I needed soup. I started the soup the same time I started the antibiotics, so I guess we may never know which one the Lord used to do the trick. :) [THANKS AGAIN, DOROTHY!!!]
The hardest thing about Thanksgiving flu was not being able to be around friends and family. For that matter, it was hard not being able to be up long enough to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Jimmy did that all by himself. My dad and brother were in town, but I missed them. My mom tried repeatedly to bring something over, but I wouldn't let her get near us and risk getting the flu. I had so many plans for what I wanted to do, but what the Lord gave me was what I really needed... rest.

Since the flu, I have turned over a new leaf. I'm in bed early, regardless of what is still on the "To Do" list. I am asking for (and getting) lots of help from others. For that, I am very, very thankful.
1 comment:
That last paragraph made me smile a VERY big smile. Proud of you, sweet friend!
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