Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Some days I miss my...

... first period "Below Average" (DPS's term, not mine) English class from 16+ years ago. I wonder where they are now.


Shannon Dingle said...

I don't want to be a downer, but it may be better not to know. My kids broke my heart in a million different ways when they were my students, and they are in a small enough town for me to get updates from friends who are still there. The updates break my heart more than anything in the classroom ever did.

Norma said...

Wow, that is pretty much a downer. But I still think I'd like to know so I can pray for them and their families. They were great kids. I still miss them, even if hearing from them might break my heart.

Shannon Dingle said...

Agreed. It is good to know specifics to be praying for my kids. I miss mine too, and I'm glad I have a friend who can relate to that.

I love you, and I'm thankful to have you as a friend! And I'm kind of glad there's no IKEA by the beach, 'cause I like you right here in Raleigh.