Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tag... I'm it...

Here it is. In the legendary words of Michael/Marvin Lee Aday, "Two out of three ain't bad..."

In the frenzy of 16...19...21...25...30...35...40 things tagfests going around Facebook, I'm grateful for this one. Just six. So... here we go...

1 - Link back to the blog that tagged you:

2 - Make a list of 6 (un)interesting things about yourself.

I'm thinking I'll go with a college theme for this one...

i. The novel I read in college ... that I HAD to read as part of the curriculum ... that most impacted my life was Black Boy by Richard Wright. The one I hated the most... Uncle Tom's Cabin. The one I skipped and read Cliffs Notes instead (yes... there was only one!) ... Le Morte D'Arthur ... 530 pages... early modern English... Spring of senior year.... 'nuff said.

ii. My favorite college stress-reducer was a trip with my sorority sisters to Swenson's at University Square where we'd devour an Earthquake together. If we couldn't get enough people to go in on the Earthquake, I'd get one scoop of bubble gum and one scoop of cookies'n'cream. And if I REALLY had a lot of studying, I'd also get a scoop of double-chocolate.

iii. I made my roommate hate me for ... years ... by pretending that our room in the sorority house was haunted. For future reference... if chairs appear on top of and then disappear off of your bed each time you leave the room, there's probably a mischievous roomie hiding in the closet.

iv. A couple of summers ago, I returned to a law enforcement official the Ocean Drive sign that made it home with me from our Pledge Trip.

v. My favorite sorority song that EVERYONE got up and danced to was "What I Like About You."

vi. I cried when I found out I had to student teach at Wake Forest-Rolesville High School. It was on the "other side of the universe" from Chapel Hill. How right I was... on many levels!

3- Tag five other blogs, and let them know by leaving them a comment.

(Yeah...well... that's where the two-out-of-three concept comes in!)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Our song was "Head to Toe." I do hope that one gets stuck in your head. :)