Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have never been to Trader Joe's.

Collective Gasp.


Tracey said...

Me either. Maybe we should visit TJ's together...

Shannon Dingle said...

I hadn't until a month or two ago. For me, the combo of Jocelyn-sized carts and mini-magnadoodles has made it my new love. Well, that and Sour Jelly Belly boxes by the register. :)

It's about a minute from our gym, so that helps too.

Jenelle Leanne said...

Me neither. I'm boycotting it... just because it's apparently the trendy thing to do (go, not boycott) LOL

Jenn said...

Remember your life before IKEA? Well, TJ's is the grocery equivalent. And there are those in this world who are less fortunate (me) and don't have a Trader Joe's in their backyard. Sniff.

They have free cheese and coffee. (But no free mints to make up for the cheese and coffee breath... so they're not perfect.)