What color are your socks right now? Socks? What socks? If it's past May 1st, I'm in Rainbows or barefootin'. Socks? Psh...
What are you listening to right now? The Lorax grind something in his yard. Can't be a tree. He loves his trees and ours too. It's quite the mystery, and I'm scared to creep too much. (For those who may not know, the Lorax lives next door. He loves trees, and whenever Jimmy goes outside to trim trees or bushes, the Lorax mysteriously appears and stares at him the whole time. The first time he appeared, Jimmy was trimming limbs growing over our driveway. The Lorax appeared and said, "How much are you going to trim? You're not cutting the trees down, are you? We like the trees." True story.)
What was the last thing you ate? Grapes, which aren't exactly on my special diet, but they were yummy and not nearly as decadent as the one-pound bag of Hershey's Kisses I'd really like to eat.
Can you drive a stick? Yes. Yes, I can. It wasn't pretty, but I learned to drive one when we had a Honda wagon back in the early '90's.
Last person you spoke to on the phone? My momma, who called to say she doesn't want to can anything this weekend. So we canceled out trip to the Farmer's Market, and I have spent the day doing laundry and reading by the pool.
How old are you today? 46. Thank you SO very much for asking. On the last survey I took, I had to check the 46-55 box. I am still 23 in my heart, though. And on Wii Fit. :)
What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Well, I have ample opportunity to ignore football on TV, but I mildly glance at college football and vaguely pay attention to college basketball. Too ADD to follow a whole game, though. Except for Carolina when they're winning. Which wasn't last year...
What is your favorite drink? Coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper
Have you ever dyed your hair? Is dying the same as highlighting? I don't think I've ever dyed my hair, but I've highlighted the mess out of it since college. Actually, now Nicole highlights the mess out of it.
Favorite food? Fresh fruit and veggies... for reals. (And not that you asked, but I'm telling you anyway...) Favorite meal: Pei Wei rice bowl with beef and extra veggies, followed by a lovely slice of Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.
What is the last movie you watched? Toy Story 3. It led to this:
Favorite day of the year? Every day we're together as a family or I'm with my friends. Wait... that means it's pretty much every day.
How do you vent anger? Usually, I pout. Then I dissect the situation and why I'm right and everyone else is wrong and I tell everyone who will listen. Then I repent. And apologize. Sometimes, though not often, I yell. Then I repent. And apologize. Occasionally, I just rant to the person who's frustrating me. Then I repent. And apologize.
What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies. Malibu Barbie, to be exact. I had entire Barbie towns set up in my room for years.
Favorite Season? Summer. Spring. Fall. Winter when it's snowing.
Cherries or Blueberries? Both if they're very ripe. Neither if they're not.
When was the last time you cried? When my daughter's best friend came over and broke our rules once again and we had to tell our baby girl she can't hang with her friend for a while.
What is on your closet floor right now? Shoes and a bag of Christmas presents that never got delivered.
What are you most afraid of? Not being in God's will.
Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese, please.
Favorite dog breed? Cute little ones. OK... Shih Tzu in honor of Pepper.
Favorite day of the week? Saturday, if we don't have to go anywhere.
How many states have you lived in? One!
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds. They sparkle.
What is your favorite flower? Roses, daisies, impatiens
Did you get an H1N1 vaccine? No, I just went ahead and got H1N1. Remember?
1 comment:
I love reading your blog! Can't believe I missed the room makeover until tonight. Great job..I know she's gonna love it!
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