Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bad day...

Some days are just... bad. Today was one of those. It started out bad and got worse.

At the end of our opening devotional/talk from the superintendent, he announced that the daughter of two teachers at our school (married to each other) died unexpectedly last night. Everyone was devastated. Anyone who has ever talked to her mom or dad for more than a couple of minutes knows that they absolutely adore their children.

She was 26 and the mother of two little girls, ages 1 and 3. No one knows for sure what happened. There was lots of speculation, but nothing was certain as late as 4:30pm.

Then in a casual conversation I found out that some of our dearest friends are leaving our school to go to public school. Not that I have any objection to public school. (FTR... I believe that God calls different families to different forms of schooling at different times. I have no doubt that they will be where they should be.) I'm going to miss them like crazy. Our school is like family. It's not going to be the same without them.

Then I found out in a Facebook message that my sweet, sweet friend who struggles with a chronic health condition got less-than-comforting/happy news about said condition. I wish so much I could make it go away.

And then I learned that instead of being full-time, I am back to being half-time at school. I was supposed to cover for the school nurse during her lunch and teaching time to help get me to full-time hours, but after an encounter with an upset parent at Open House last night, I realized that I am not in any way equipped to serve as a substitute school nurse. I'd hoped that something else might pop up in its place to make me full-time, but it didn't. So, without the big tuition break, we have to write a BIG check tomorrow. Sigh...

I'm calling it a day.


Jenn said...

I am praying for you right now friend. What a tough, emotional day. I am really sorry about your job- I do pray that is resolved for you guys.
And I can't even imagine what the Johns are going through. But it's good that they have a loving church and school family to love them right now.

Love you friend!

Gretchen said...

So sorry to hear about your bad day. Praying that you will be a comfort to your co-workers and that God will provide regarding your job.