Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 2...

Today rocked. I love my classes. I hope I still love them in a few weeks.

My weakness in teaching is that I love teaching, so I tend to have fun. There's something to be said for the whole "Don't smile until Christmas" philosophy. But frowning and scowling aren't really me. In that I have to rely on the Lord to help me strike a balance between who I am and who I need to be. Still... I wonder if Chuck Norris would be willing to make an appearance sometime around October.

Here's the amazing part about today: I walked out of the building, prepared for tomorrow with nothing to finish up at home tonight. That was a good thing because Kelsey had a volleyball game tonight. She has a volleyball game on Thursday and a volleyball tournament on Saturday. Things are busy.

My happy surprise for the day was when Jason S. stopped by for a visit. I like surprises. He's headed to ASU in a couple of days to start his freshman year. He is going to do great.

So... the 11:00 news is on and I am about to hit "Publish Post" and head for bed. That is very, very good.

1 comment:

Shannon Dingle said...

Very, very good. So thankful for how God orchestrated this year for you!