Saturday, August 14, 2010


So, yeah... I'm starting to feel it.

Half-time. Like part-time, but different. At our school, you have to teach at least 20 hours to be half-time and get benefits (which include a sweet little tuition discount and sick leave and stuff). Part-time has no benefits. It's fewer than 20 hours. I was part-time the first year. Full-time the second year. This year is half-time.

So I'm working on the whole being-thankful-in-all-things thing, after just having rendered a large check to pay the discounted tuition, and here's where my heart is now.

Thanks to a very wise Seasoned Sister who took time to read through some of my previous whining...uh... posts, I am thankful that this year won't be as brutal timewise. At half-time (and because my schedule is what it is) I have time in my school day to plan and grade. I can leave school each day by 1:15, if I need to. I am done on Fridays at about 11am because my little middle school treasures will be in PE. So I can spend time taking care of my babies and hubby with things like cooking and cleaning and laundry, the stuff I couldn't get done last year because I was working nearly 24/7.

And thanks to my momma, who said, "God USUALLY doesn't make mistakes, you know! He knows how much you can handle MUCH better than you!" I am seeing half-time as a blessing and not an obstacle. I see God's loving hand directing my days so that I don't totally melt down. Yes, He is good.

So, I planned menus today and did the "shopping." Even though we are on a little different budget, I'm still doing the Harris Teeter ExpressLane because it's $4.95 in exchange for an hour of my time, and THEY stick to my shopping list where I don't. (Actually, this summer it's only $1.95 to have someone else stick to my list and do all my grocery shopping for me. Sometimes I wonder if they have a secret personal-shopper section of the store. The produce they pick for me is always better than the produce I find when I go there.)

So thank you, friends and family, for your prayers! And thank you, Father, for directing my path.


Tracey said...

So happy to read this! And, just in case you haven't had this thought run your head today....

Your older two are just that..'older'..and 11th grade is a big number..because there's only one more after that...and there are NO do-overs. ENJOY this year (and next)!

Hugs to you.

Shannon Dingle said...

Hmm, you're not far from me... and Robbie naps at 1-1:30ish, and Jocelyn has quiet time them... and I'm here with no one to play with around the time you could leave. Just sayin' that could be an option. :)

YAY to God for going with His will rather than yours! He's kind of better at this whole planning thing than you are. ;)

Sandy M. said...

It's a privilege to be used by God to give encouragement. It's also neat to see how He has "redirected" you & given you a positive outlook on it.