Friday, July 11, 2008

My Little iPod...

OK... if you're going to hear the same thing I hear in my head (and I'm not talking about the voice that says, "It's chocolate. You must eat it."), you have to think about the song for "My Little Pony." You know, the one that's on the commercials and at the beginning of the TV show and all the movies...
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Isn't the world a lovely place...
There... now... with that little tune fused into the recesses of your brain, instead of singing about ponies, sing about iPods...
My Little iPod, My Little iPod
Isn't the world a lovely place...
Today my iPod started working. I wish I could say that it was a birthday gift, since my birthday was just a little over a month ago, but no... I got it for Christmas. It set my personal record for technophobia. (technophobia -n: the fear of breaking a new technological gadget, keeping the owner from emloying it for use in its intended manner for an unspecified period of time).
At any rate, it took multiple Apple ID registration attempts, a new email address, and countless training sessions from Kelsey, but I have just listened to my first tunes, and I've got to say... This is going to be an excellent opportunity to totally embarrass my children.

For truly, I got the music in me...

1 comment:

Karen said...

You crack me up!!
So funny...except for the fact that I cannot get that song out of my head now. Thanks a lot!