Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trigger finger...

It's a bad picture to begin with, but if you look at the palm of my hand, you'll see a little dot underneath my middle finger. That's where the orthopedist injected the steriod shot.

Since this spring I've had pain at the base of my middle finger when I grip the steering wheel. And over the past couple of weeks I've been blogging, editing, writing, and surfing the net kind of a lot. Last week, it started hurting almost all the time.

To make a very long and literally painful story short, I have Trigger Finger. You can click the link and read all the lovely ins and outs if you're that enthralled by tendon nodules that click and ultimately cause the hand to freeze in a closed position.

I've had the injection. If that doesn't work, the next step is surgery. Maybe. We'll see. Typing hurts a little. Using the mouse is excruciating.

Although I'm sneaking a little time online late tonight, I'm realizing that maybe the Lord's trying to tell me something... like, "Get out of the virtual world and into the real world."

Either that or He really doesn't want me in a gun fight with Chuch Norris. :-D

1 comment:

Shannon Dingle said...

Once you get better, if you want to reconsider the Chuck Norris shootout thing, I can take you to the shooting range to practice! :)