Saturday, May 23, 2009

If you give a mom some fabric...

My favorite children's books that have been recently published are the If you give a _____ a ______ series. If You Give a Moose a Muffin, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Pig a Pancake... If I were a little more creative and a little less sleepy, I'd write a lovely curtain-making parody.

But my brain is fried. I've been making window treatments for the past week. And, in case you haven't made window treatments in a while, it forces you to combine right-brained creativity with left-brained math. I hate math. We are not of the math tribe. It is foreign to us.

My friend, Angie, got the ball rolling on my curtain-making frenzy. She teaches Domestic Arts (Home Ec) at our school. She helped us redesign our rec room area this spring. (Pictures will come shortly; we're not quite finished.) Angie picked out the cutest fabric, and for some reason, I can't seem to sort-of do anything, so I took everything that was left and bought a little more and now our entire informal living area on the main floor is bedecked with window treatments.


Tomorrow I'm making coordinating pillows! My brain should be completely mush by the time I'm done.

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