Thursday, December 16, 2010


Snow day here.  Hooray!

The first thing I always think when the power goes out is:  Hey, let's watch movies in the dark.

The first thing I thought when I found out school was canceled today:  Hey, now I can run to the mall and finish up Christmas shopping. 

This being the South, I'm about as likely to get in a car and drive somewhere during a "wintry mix event" as I would be to get the TV to work during a power outage.

I love flawed logic.  It usually means I'm going to get to take a nap.


Tracey said...

I'm so glad you get this special day. Enjoy...and REST!

Jenelle Leanne said...

That is always my first thought when the power goes out too! How weird. My next thought is, "oooh, candles and game night!" :)