Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Demise of Facebook...

With the most recent profile update, Facebook has gotten... boring.  I used to love updating my status daily. It was after my name at the top, so I felt a little compelled to keep it current.  If I wanted to know what was up with a friend because I hadn't stalked my news feed all day, I'd click on her profile, read her statues, and voila... reconnected with what's going on. 

Now statuses (stati?) disappear on the wall and get lost in the shuffle, so... meh... who cares.  I don't have time or inclination to hardcore creep anytime I want to know what someone's doing.

Instead, I've headed over to Twitter more and more.  I like it over there.  I follow lots of people/organizations that are helpful to my daily existence.  SamaritansPurse gives me ways to pray for folks outside my little world; esvdaily sends me Scripture to ponder; CSLewisDaily reminds me to think deeply and well; APStylebook enlightens me about writing standards; local news and weather and traffic keep me on top of stuff where I live. 

And then there's the celebrities.  Hands-down the funniest is...wait for it... patsajak (Pat Sajak).  Absolutely hilarious.  I recently started following him on a tip from donttrythis (Adam Savage of Mythbusters). 

So Mark Z... you're about to "improve" your little empire to death.  Just chill, dude.   There's something to that old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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