Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ice, ice baby...

Let's review.  I was born in this town.  I went to college ~30 miles away.  I got married, got a job, and bought a house in a town four miles away from where I went to college and 25ish miles away from the house I lived in growing up.  All these places are in the South.  OK, picky people -- Southeast.

We have one or two winter events a year.  On average there's a fun snow (4-6 inches) and another something.  Sometimes that's snow and sometimes it sleet or ice.  To date this season, we have had six (6) winter events since December 1: dustings of snow, nicely measurable snow, and now sneetice. I'm not complaining; I'm just sayin'.

So as I sit home for the third wintry weather unplanned vacation-from-schwork day, I'm working up motivation to peel more wallpaper ("Mom, when are you going to finish our bathroom?  It's hard not having anywhere to hang towels.") or run on the treadmill (Couch to 5k still under consideration). I am going to get on those things... right after I watch a weather-related Robert Van Winkle video on YouTube. 

1 comment:

Tracey said...

At least you have happy thoughts...I'm a grouch. Field trip canceled (free tickets to see the Rockwell exhibit..poof..gone..not to be offered again.) Friends coming over for a super cool jewelry party..canceled. (but rescheduled, but I was so jazzed at how many could come!)

Kids trying the old "but if we WERE going on a field trip, WHY do we have to do school??" attitude.

But, tomorrow is another day. Hopefully without sleetice.