Note to self: purchase next year's prom dress in January.
Things I've learned from the local prom dress search:
- Definitions of modest vary widely.
- Mall parking spaces are not designed for full-sized SUV's, driven by spacial relations-challenged women.
- The prom dress shop at the mall is WAY OVERPRICED... as in need-a-second-mortgage-on-the-house overpriced.
- Department stores carry some seriously ugly (or seriously skanky) prom dresses.
- The amount of fabric in the dress seems to have no direct correlation with the price of the dress.
- I am pretty sure I had a ballet tutu in second grade that looked just like one of the prom dresses in the mall prom shop.
- Store dresses are not at all clean or snag-free.

Hello, tutu!
Why, yes. That is camo print.
Between top slit and bottom slit, not a lot of fabric holds in stuff.
Yes, well...
Stabby sequins and out of dress code.
Prom dress shopping at the mall was a pretty big salt-and-light test for me. People were rude, grabby, profane, snide, snippy, and immodest. The prices were OH. MY. WORD. expensive. I kept thinking about Dave Ramsey and Samaritan's Purse. Dave Ramsey: don't let it be a budget-buster. Samaritan's Purse: have any idea how many people you could feed/ provide fresh water for/ share the gospel with for that much money?!
I found myself wrestling between wanting to give my princess the most beautiful, perfect prom dress in the history of all promdressdom and wanting not to miss the opportunity to focus on God's beauty as He shines through us. Store-bought beauty vs. heaven-sent beauty.
Sooo... between price, style, nondresscodeness, and the vast quantities of snagged fabric and makeup inside the dresses, we decided to go home and shop the interwebs.
My sis found a "prom" (again with the jr/sr) dress at GoodWill that was beautiful and I think $7... just an idea... you can always just go look for fun (if Kelsey's into trying on dresses (whether they're serious or just ridiculous) just for the fun of it) never know, you might find a gem!
I'm pretty sure that by the time C is old enough for prom, girls will just be dressing like Rhianna at the Grammys. You know, fancy underwear and fishnets.
I can't wait to see what dress you guys end up with! I am so invested in the Weekman Prama now.
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