Monday, March 14, 2011

Quest for the Dress - Part 2: Shop-at-home

When I mentioned to folks that we ordered a prom dress online, categorically the response was:  "WITHOUT TRYING IT ON?!"

Yep. We're risk-takers that way.

We came home and spent a few hours on the internet, tracking down the perfect dress. At one point Kelsey and I had dueling inboxes going on Facebook, which totally worked because we left a trail of dresses, should we ever need to backtrack.

I'd hate for those long hours of prama to go to waste, so I think I'll share some of the little treasures we accrued in the quest.

Top 20 lessons learned stalking prom dresses on the interwebs:

20. Not all modest dresses are labeled "modest dresses," and the ones that are labeled as "modest dresses" tend to err on the side of boo-ugly.

19. Multi-colored patterned fabric is a HUGE trend this prom season.

18. Kelsey hates multi-colored patterned fabrics.

17. A-line "princess" dresses are making a comeback this prom season, especially ones with tulle skirts.

16. Kelsey loves A-line "princess" dresses, especially ones with tulle skirts.

15. Online dresses are around 50% off dresses that are hanging in the prom dress store at the mall.

14. Nearly every manufacturer has a different size chart based on measurements. What is a size 6 with one designer is a size 12 with another. True story.

13. Directions for measuring vary from designer to designer. Some have pictures; some have words; some have videos. Following directions makes a difference. We got 1"-1 1/2" differences in measurements, depending on which directions we followed.

12. It is considerably easier to click a mouse than to park a full-sized SUV. [SANITY-SAVER ALERT!]

11. Searching under the general heading of "prom dresses" will net every dress a website could conceivably procure, not that those styles are currently available.

10. Every formal wear website that carries a special order dress that you, say, find to be the most perfect dress ever created orders those extra special gowns directly from the manufacturer. If it takes 12 weeks to get the dress through one website, it takes 12 weeks to get it from them all.

9. If you want a special order prom dress that takes 12 weeks to get, order it at least 12 weeks before the wear date. Four weeks before the wear date is not the same as 12 weeks.  12 > 4.  4 < 12. No matter how you try, you aren't going to be able to get it in fewer than 12 weeks. :(

8. Online formal wear stores have to check inventory and let you know whether the dress is available. They will sometimes email you with the information. Other times they will call.

7. Some people you talk to on the phone from online formal wear stores have Asian accents and speak Spanish to people in the background.

6. Many of the people you talk to on the phone from online formal wear stores have Brooklyn accents underlying every other accent.

5. Prom dress suppliers do not process the credit card information until the dress actually ships.

4. Once a sufficient number of prom dress websites have told you they can't get your perfect princess dream dress by the wear date, try searching their "In-Stock" or "Ready-to-Ship" inventory.  [Bonus tip 4A: A high percentage of "In-Stock" or "Ready-to-Ship" dresses are available at a significant discount off their already-50%-off-the-mall-prices online price.]

3. It would have been extremely helpful to know #4 at the beginning of the prom dress search.

2. Most dress companies offer free shipping, but it can take up to three weeks for the dress to arrive. Overnight delivery is somewhere in the neighborhood of $75.

1. You can look at 439,591 aqua/turquoise/light teal/powder blue dresses in every style imaginable, and you will end up ordering a dress that's "Mango Tango."

 Next time: The Final Four.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I'm lovin' this 'prama' series.

I can't wait to see what y'all decide to buy...the tension, the anticipation...

Can you tell that I just might need to schedule something to do besides stay a home and teach 3rd grade grammar (for the third time)??

Coffee?? Soon??