Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slight interruption...

This series of mildly amusing and slightly insightful observations from the Parent Zone regarding high school proms is experiencing a slight interruption. Once a certain nine year old can keep solid food down, or at least takes a nap, postings will resume.  (HOW ON EARTH CAN THIS KID NOT BE SLEEPY WHEN HE THREW UP EVERY 20-30 MINUTES FOR SEVEN HOURS LAST NIGHT?! I am WIPED OUT from having ridden shotgun on the adventure. Even the dog is zonked now.)

In the meantime, here are a few pictures of lovely prom dress contenders that didn't make it to the finals.

 For some reason, Kelsey loved the color, but didn't care much for the fabric. A bit pricey, too, at $598. (GASP!) I liked the fact that probably no one else would have the same dress, so it'd eliminate dress a price.

Very pretty, yes? I thought so. Alas, a friend has already staked claim to this dress on the school's prom dress Facebook group, created by students hoping to mitigate prom dress duplication.

Jimmy's favorite. I liked it a lot too. Kelsey said, "Aw," and moved on to the next one. So, it didn't make the cut.

So... stay tuned for the finalists. I can't say the winner because we still don't know. Apparently, prom season is a little manic throughout the land.

1 comment:

Tracey said... the color choice.

LOVED the 2nd and 3rd. The first,'s kinda of furry..reminds me of Sully on Monsters Inc.

Can't wait to see the finalists..