Saturday, March 19, 2011

When the high school prom turns into middle school meanness--or not...

A senior girl has risen as the class leader this year at our school. She is a dynamo, coordinating everything from senior girls prayer groups to silly games of assassin to unofficial (but fun and harmless) class pranks that appeared during powderpuff.  She even began a tradition called the Academy Awards. Held in the fall, this non-school-sponsored event brought all the senior girls together at a ceremony where every single young lady in the class received an award for the thing that makes her shine. Where the school isn't the sponsor, she has coordinated events through her church.

She is a young woman of prayer, and you can tell from her Facebook and Twitter that she steeps herself in God's Word. She is fearless. I, personally, stand in awe of her. She's done more in a year of leading her senior class than I've seen grown women do in years of leading women's ministry.

As I watched in amazement and tried to figure out why and how she's changed a group of petty, gossipy girls into a band of sisters who are serious about their faith, I realized it falls on two things: heartbreak and heartache. Heartbreak that the girls were shallow in faith and love. Heartache that longs for something better.  And did I mention that she is fearless?

In the Prama season, this girl started a Facebook group for girls at our school wanting to avoid drama surrounding their dresses. It is a closed group, but any girl from our school can join by requesting an invitation. It is not at all meant to be exclusive, and it has already filtered out MUCH potential conflict.

And the really super-cool thing is that it's not a place where people are snide and snippy about who looks better in what. It's been a forum of encouragement.  Comments are like:

  • "Beautiful"
  • "You are so gorgeous!" 
  • "You look like a princess!"
  • "Oh my word! Wait until [your date] sees you in that! He is going to be speechless!"
  • "Stunning!"
  • "So classy and elegant!"
  • "Wow! You are magnificent!"
This young lady, through prayer and reliance on God's Word, has led the young ladies of her class into a metamorphosis of sorts. And like all metamorphosis processes in nature, this one has to have been designed by the Creator. Nothing can change hearts so radically and completely as His Spirit. She is living proof that transformation in a group starts with one willing heart full of passion for her Lord. (I mean, let's get real: if she had attempted this on her own agenda and in her own strength, she would have been eaten alive. She was  burdened, and she was obedient.)

So, here's to you, friend... you are quite the warrior princess in your Father's Kingdom. Thanks for being fearless.

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