Monday, September 22, 2008

Finally on the way...

I am totally stealing this idea from Joel...

But props to our man, Steve! He's FINALLY publishing the long-awaited, ApParent Privilege.

Directed at parents, Steve's second book brings the message that his first (reThink) did to Student Pastors... Parents are the ones with the mandate to bring up their children in the Lord.

We parents love a good youth staff, you know we do. Goodness, Steve and Tina are two of our best BFFs. And Blake and Amber... love y'all. And Joel and Gwen... love y'all too... and are praying for you and your new addition. But much as we love all of them, we certainly don't expect them to be on the front lines of teaching our kids to love Jesus. That's our Deuteronomy 6:5-9 job.

That said... we can use all the back-up we can get, though. And surely our boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places to have the privilege of being in this particular local family of faith. Lockin' arms where we're blessed and being equipped by the best.

So... check out Steve's book... it'll be out in the coming weeks. You can pre-order it here, directly from Inquest Ministries.

To hear more from Steve, check out his blog:


poison_ivy777 said...

Hi it's the stranger again! My husband and I are actually youth pastors ourselves and I am all over new material on youth ministry so I will definately be checking out Steve's first book and probably this one as well (so we can encourage parents to get it!) Thanks so much for posting about this!

Norma said...

Hey! Thanks for the comments! Steve's wife, Tina, has a book too. It's for pastors' wives. She does a lot of speaking at different conferences primarily to wives of youth pastors.

Glad to hear you love tobyMac. He rocks, doesn't he? We have a friend who knows him and his family from living near them in the Nashville area. They say he's the real deal. It really comes through in the music, doesn't it?

poison_ivy777 said...

I actually went on the website you had for Steve and saw the book for pastor's wives you are talking about. I was reading about both books and then yelled to my husband in the living room I know what books you can get me for our Christmas book dinner! I will definately be getting both books so I will let you know what I think. And as for Tobymac yes he is the real deal, you can always tell when someone is singing if they mean it or not. I've followed him since DCTalk, his music is truly annointed by God.