Saturday, September 13, 2008


As I toodle through the day I realize that there are grand and not-so-grand questions that pop into my mind. Below are a few of them from this morning. If you have answers, please share. Or if you have the same questions, I'd dearly love to know I'm not alone!

1. Why are there so many dead cicadas in our yard?

2. Why can Blogger not remember my user name and password even though I click "remember me" each time I log on?

3. Why can Facebook always remember Kelsey's email and password but never mine?

4. Why has our dog been throwing up once a day for the past week since she had a tummy bug?

5. Why does our dog throw up when I'm the only adult in the house to clean it up?

6. Why do men not notice stinky smells?

7. How do males in general navigate their way through a totally trashed house and not notice it's totally trashed?

8. How is it that an adolescent male can shoot repeatedly 2" wads of paper into an 8" trashcan and never miss, but the same male can fling dirty laundry towards a 24"x24" laundry basket and never hit it?

9. Why does the soap always magically divide into two pieces whenever the youngest boy uses it?

10. How come, no matter how closely you follow the Lego directions, there's always a piece left over when you build a Lego Racer?

11. Why is it a teenager on a school trip calls only once and it's when you're in a place with no cell phone reception?

12. Why is our society all thumbs-up about "spirituality," ambivalent towards "religion," and fired-up against Jesus?

13. How is it that the same people who champion the glass-shattering role of SuperMoms can declare a tough, energetic, bright wife and mother to be unfit for public office because she's a wife and mother?

14. How can you dust an entire house in an hour and by the time you get back to where you started, there's already a light coating of dust again?

15. Why does eveyone ignore Mommy until she starts to blog, answers the phone or closes the bathroom door?

16. Why can't they make zebra-patterned croc flats?

17. Whose idea was it to put blueberries into a Krispy Kreme doughnut?! And if they weren't blueberries, what were they?

18. What makes boys think that girls want to sword fight? And where are all the other boys who could be swordfighting with them?

19. Why would a 7 year old slice a popsicle with a sword? On the carpet? In the bonus room?

20. What makes Christian school teachers who advocate family values give so much homework that, to complete it, the students have no time to spend with their families?

21. Why is the fact that there have been no further known terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11/01 proof that we can let down our guard instead of proof that what we've been doing for the past 7 years is working?

22. How does Charlie Gibson know what the Bush Doctrine is when the guy who first introduced it says there's not a clear-cut definition?

23. Why do pictures upload to Facebook quicker from a mobile phone than a desktop computer?

24. Can is possibly get MORE humid?

25. Where is Tracey's blogspot?

OK... that's enough for now. Otherwise I'll have to add #26. (Why is blogging and Facebook inherently more interesting when you're supposed to be going to the gym to work out?)


Deb Burton said...

I'd have an easier time answering #26 than all the rest. Who'da thunk I'd outpace my kids with the time I spend Twittering, FBing, blogging, stumbling, digging, etc.? What was the world like before I discovered, well, the world?

Tracey said...

You are too funny! The answer to #25 will be taken care of very soon..thanks for the harrassment, I mean, encouragement!

Just Me said...

It's that phenomenon known as the "old sin nature"......and we must take solace in knowing that He will put no more upon us than He puts within us the power to deal with!