OK kiddies... Just 50 days 'til Christmas!
If you are willing to contribute a post (or three or five) to the Celebrating Christmas blog, please email them to me. My address is the one on my profile for this blog (Smellin' Coffee).
We still need everything, so whatever you have on your heart to share... share! Devotionals, favorite verses, pictures, decorating ideas, family traditions, craft ideas, gift ideas, recipes, etc...
Thanks y'all!
The blog goes live on November 15th. There is some stuff there now. If you want a sneak peek, click here. It is a work in progress. Truly. I am going to be tweaking. A lot.
I have a couple I would love to send you for the blog. I am sending one now about a family tradition (and I'm going to try to hunt down a picture of it) and then I will email another one later of a great recipe/family tradition that links to our Italian heritage! Thanks for letting us join in!
I am working on mine... so excited!
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