Sunday, November 9, 2008

Psalm 145:4

Last post I wrote a little bit about the weirdness that is having a whole passel of boys staying under our roof for the weekend. But this time I want to say thanks to they guys who were here doing just what the theme verse for the weekend says... commending the works of our great and glorious Lord from one generation to another. And we're not talking those 40 year generations here. We're talking those generations of church youth groups.

So... props to the guys who are modeling what it means to be a man of God to our boys...

leading the troops in for ice cream on Saturday night.

OK... so this is what happens when you forget to put out the whipped cream at the beginning of the ice cream snack. Evidently, as long as they get it, they're good.

James... leading with shock and awe.

And maybe a little bit too much whipped cream.

Yep. Definitely too much whipped cream.

And Tyler and Tyler. The one on the right is the college ministry guy who is leading Group A. The one on the left is in Group A and will someday be leading a youth group as a youth pastor. Take my word for it. It's in his genes.

And Brentice... B-ice...

And though Jimmy's not in the shot, he's talking to the guys, thanking them... Logan, Jame, Tyler, and Brentice for leading the 7th grade boys. And the 7th grade boys for leading Zack. They were so kind and encouraging to him. They are his heroes.

Thanks for all the prayers for Meta '08 and our hosting BOTH 7th grade boys' groups in one house. It was absolutely amazing! Not only did we survive, but we can hardly wait for next year.

Thanks guys!
For loving Jesus and serving Him by ministering to our boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting all the 7th grade boys. Tyler had a great time as always in your home. I am thankful to all the leaders too..I watched Logan in action at camp and he is great for keeping things in order. Thanks for sharing the picture of Tyler...only God knows how He will use Tyler but it wouldn't surprise me if he ended up in ministry.