Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wait... what am I supposed to be doing?

Apparently, I have exchanged one stess-coping mechanism for another. I used to eat an entire bag of Hershey's kisses, one at a time, by holding each one in my hand until it just started to melt. Then I'd unwrap it, put it in my mouth and let it melt the rest of the way.

But now... I blog and Facebook. Yep, I did it. I used Facebook as a verb. Somewhere a college professor is gasping for air.

Today I have somewhere in the vicinity of 1.357 million things to do, with tomorrow being my sweet hubby's birthday and all. And the final tweaks of the school magazine due in ... oh ... a couple of hours. So what am I doing? I'm looking at Christmas pictures. And blogging and Facebooking. Of course.

But I found one photo that perfectly captures Christmas Eve at our house, once the children are nestled all snug in their beds. The Nativity at the center of everything. The traditional family-favorite movie on the TV. The presents. The tree with the Christmas train running around it and no unifying decorating theme other than every ornament is a treasured memory of family or friends. The red toile tablecloth I cut a slit into to make a Christmas tree skirt big enough to fill in the area between the trunk and the track. The mix-matched quilted stockings we don't have the heart to update to matching splendor because each one arrived in our home with a story.

I think I can actually smell cinnamon as I write this post. Ah, Christmas...


The Lord Family said...

What makes this the epitome of Christmas to me is...
A Christmas Story on the television.
Ahh...chestnuts roasting on an open fire...

;)Its good to see that we share the same values.

Jenelle Leanne said...

mmm, I can smell the cinnamon too :-)

While usually I get annoyed at how early Christmas stuff starts getting put on display (particularly if it goes up before Halloween) I have actually been quite enjoying all the Christmas decor being up early this year, especially at the mall, maybe it's because we've had some cooler weather already this year. :-)

Hot chocolate and Christmas movies and family togetherness... makes me smile.

Thanks for the post. This is Shannon's friend, Jenelle, by the way, and I've been lurking about your blog for a couple months now. Thought I'd pop in and say, "hi."

poison_ivy777 said...

Lovely painted scene, you are very good with descriptive details...and I'm glad Christmas is so soon too!