Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Memories Monday: Li'l Traditions...

1. Does your family do some type of countdown?

Oh goodness, yes. We countdown and countdown and countdown. This year we're opening drawers in the wooden Advent calendar. We're also flipping the number blocks on our snowmen countdown decoration.

2. Where are your stockings hung?

By the chimney with care. But not until Christmas Eve night. After the Love Feast.

3. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

On Christmas Eve night we attend the Love Feast at our church. We go to the 6:00 service and Gramma comes with us. Nothing says Christmas Eve like Scripture, carols, David and Cathy, and sticky buns and cider. Zack's favorite part is getting to stand in the chair and hold the candle up in the air. Since we lost Granny (my mom's mom) a few years ago and Jimmy's mom (Nana) a few years before that, neither of our extended families get together on Christmas Eve. It's just my mom (Gramma) and us and our kids. But being at church and seeing our dear friends on Christmas Eve makes it feel like family again.

After the service, we come home and eat an easy dinner... subs or chili or something like that. We watch A Christmas Story. We have family devotions. We pray. We get nestled all snug in our beds and drift off until there are visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads.

4. Is there a certain drink that you love that you only drink this time of year?

Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte. Skim. No whip.

5. What do you do for Christmas Cards?

That's a good question. Until last year we sent out picture cards that I made and included a Christmas letter. Last year, my dad was in the hospital twice in the month of December and ended up staying with us for about a total of 6 weeks until he was able to go home and be on his own. I didn't get cards out. This year, I intended to go back to the old way of sending out cards, but I just haven't been able to get all the kids ready for the picture at the same time. I THINK I will likely send out a picture and short note, giving everyone the address for this blog and inviting them to visit with us all year next year. On the blog. I mean, they can come see us for a couple of days, but... really... all year is a LONG time!

Those are our little traditions. If you have ones you'd like to share, leave a comment. Or better yet... email them to me and I'll put them up on Celebrating Christmas. Next Monday begins Christmas Traditions Week!

(Thanks Ivy!)

1 comment:

poison_ivy777 said...

Hey thank you Norma! I love reading your answers and I appreciate the shout out! I can relate on the picture part - we squeezed ours in when it really wasn't realistic and it was a miserable trip for one stinkin' picture! why don't you snap a picture of them in Christmas jammies (the kids) - I got a card like that and thought it was SO cute!