Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pajama Party

Tonight we are headed to Jimmy's office Christmas party. It's usually in Pinehurst, but mercy has prevailed and we get to stay close to home. Since the district covers much of the eastern part of NC, there's no telling where the holiday extravaganza will land, but I am grateful that this year it landed here.

For the past couple of years they have collected gifts for a children's charity. This year they are collecting children's pajamas and books for the Pajama Program. Being that I am not a regular viewer of Oprah... OK, honestly I NEVER watch her show... I had never heard of the Pajama Program, but when we got the email I read about it and thought, What a great idea.

After posting a Facebook status about buying pajamas for a Christmas party and getting a couple of comments, I thought, Hey, THAT's a GREAT(ER) idea. Wouldn't it be cool to have a pajama Christmas party and have people bring pajamas for the kids in that program or even at one of the local Rescue Missions? Or have a hats and scarves party and bring extra to donate. Or a warm socks party... wear warm socks and donate warm socks. Or a blanket party ... come wrapped in your blanket and bring one to donate. Or a Teddy Bear party. Bring one, donate one. Lots of ideas!

I'm going to ponder these and next year... maybe we'll start a new tradition amongst our friends and neighbors. Or maybe we'll do it this year in January, after the dust from Christmas settles a little. Hummm... Yep... this could be really cool!!!

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