Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Winding up our show-n-tell time - IKEA: Part 4...
Friday, June 26, 2009
These are a few of our favorite chairs - IKEA: Part 3...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
These are a few of Zack's favorite things - IKEA: Part 2...
Go ahead and purpose in your heart that a stuffed animal will come home with you. They are soft and squishy and perfect little cuddly souvenirs. "Golden" the golden retriever hopped into the big yellow bag at the start of our journey and got the VIP tour of the showrooms, courtesy of Zack.
At the IKEA cafe, they serve children's meals in colorful bowls and plates. Which are readily available in sets of six across the way in the Children's IKEA. (BRILLIANT MARKETING!) Here are three of the six we came home with. The other three are getting cleaned. EVERYONE (who is not at camp) has gotten to eat off the IKEA dinnerware this week.
We searched and searched before selecting the perfect (cheapest @ $2.99) navy blue-rimmed wall clock. Zack has become the resident town crier, letting everyone know what time it is (and how long he's been downstairs before a grown up woke up) ever since our trip to IKEA. Bless his heart.
You know, yes, bless his heart; he endured a 2 1/2 ride each way on our IKEA odyssey. We traveled there, just the two of us. Kelsey and Zane are at camp. Jimmy was at work. The little guy spent 3 1/2 hours wandering through Swedish paradise. He absolutely loved it and wants to take the rest of the family back as soon as we can go. I explained that we have to save some money before we go back, but he and I both have a head start on the list.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things - IKEA: Part 1...
I saw similar lanterns at Lowes the day after we got back. Lowes price: $26 each. IKEA price: $6.99 each.
Did I mention how much I love IKEA?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy days...

Happy Father's Day, Jimmy! On the day our sweet Kelsey was born, she wrapped you tightly around her little finger and there you have stayed. She is our princess, isn't she? You are a wonderful dad. She is blessed. So am I. I love you.

And to my own Daddy... Happy Father's Day! I missed you when I called, but I wanted you to know how very much I love you and appreciate the road you traveled in parenting me.
Happy special days! I love you all!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Life in the candy store...
Only my first real life "candy store" was actually K&W. Now it's a K&S... good ol' cafeteria eatin'. But back in the day it was the K&W and we would head there or the Piccadilly for Sunday dinner (which was always at lunch time, which is a whole 'nother blog post... lunch vs. dinner vs. supper). I can remember walking through the line and piling my plate... nay, my tray, for I had to annex space for the additional little dishes of jello salad and baked apples and strawberry full that I could barely balance it to carry it from the silver tray track over to the table. I always had to go back and get the drink. I can hear my parents now, "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. There's no way you'll ever eat all that." And I never did. Of couse, it never went to waste either, as a very wise parent would hold back on getting a lot of food, knowing there'd be leftovers on the kid's plate.
Waxing a little Forrest Gump here: Life is like a K&W. You always pile more on your tray than you can actually eat in one sitting.
Well, my eyes are still the biggest part of me. I look at the blank canvas (literally) and see so many possibilities. I look at the old nightstand at the Goodwill store and see so many possibilities. I look at the beads at Michaels and see so many possibilities. I look at the fabric at Mill Outlet Village and see so many possibilities. I look at the magnetic paint, wood trim, and dry erase paneling at Lowes and see so many possibilities. Sometimes I just wish I could see things as they are and not as the could be because for me, the biggest rush comes from imagining how things could be and not so much in the actual process of making them that way.
Ask my mom about the shutters. I start. I hit a little glitch. I stop. It never gets finished.
So it's accountability time. Here's what I have on my plate now:
...the (now) unfinished nightstand is becoming a side table in the family room...
... canvases that need to become artwork for display in the basement rec room...
...basement storage that needs cubbies/shelves to get whipped into shape...
... the cave - paint apple green; make window treatments; put weather-stripping under the door to the "basementy" part...
... and I STILL need to decide what color to paint the columns and paint them!
I'm kinda thinkin' that no one's holding back on their own projects so they can come in and rescue me. I'm either going to have to get to work bigtime or get my fanny out of the candy store.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A rainy Tuesday...

But on this particular morning, as the yellow/red on the doppler map passed over our house, my baby girl was up and straightening her hair, getting ready for her first behind-the-wheel session in Driver's Ed. I don't have any idea how that happened. I'm certain that a couple of weeks ago, she was three feet tall and I was waking to the startling sensation of a preschooler tickling my nose and whispering, "Mommy, are you still sleeping?" :)
Riding in the car with her and the instructor was a high school boy who had never before been behind the wheel of a car and evidently found a talent for running over trash cans. Kelsey took the wheel first, fearlessly in the torrential downpour. She loved every minute of it. I sat home and prayed.
She'll be out on the road again Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Who am I kidding? She's going to be out on the road from now on.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Gettin' jiggy with it in the summertime...
Heather started it with her "Summertime" post. She had to go and get all Will Smith on me. I think Will Smith could conceivably be the coolest person alive today. Of course, Will has ventured into the dramatic and shoulda-been-funny-but-is-just-a-little-too-much zones recently, but you cannot deny that the Independence Day and Men In Black Will Smith is... subzero in coolness. (That's a good thing folks.) Maybe it's Will+aliens that is cool. I don't know. What I DO know is that my all-time favorite music video is the one for Men In Black. Once you get to the 2:30 mark, you just gotta get up and dance. Go on... clear a space and get jiggy with it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cheeseburger in blender, diced...
See how I'm switching it up on you? Last post I put the comments BELOW the photos. This post, I'm commenting ABOVE the photos. Ooooooohhhh... tricky! Trying to switch it up to keep your summer from being boring.
Jimmy brought me gorgeous roses. In this photo you can also see the new columns that are keeping our master bedroom from falling into our family room. They are still unpainted, as no one will let me paint them orange and blue like the cake. So now I have to decide whether we are going to keep the painted trim color we have now for the long haul or whether we're going to start the transition to white trim with these columns and the stained beams. Any suggestions? (I can hear my dad now... Why would we give you suggestions? You're going to do what you want to do anyway. Ultimately, true. But I do value counsel along the way!)
You can also see the mugs that go with our new dishes. Had to get new everyday dishes as the old ones were plastic and it was driving me and everyone else in the house crazy that we couldn't microwave in them. Didn't want any added toxins messin' up our dinner. So I ordered new dishes a couple of months ago. They're happy dishes. :)
And the end product looked not unlike Pepper's dinner. Bleh! But Kelsey said it tasted good. I hope so. I sat diagonally across the table from her and carefully avoided looking at her cheeseburger shake directly.
Nothin' like a little oral surgery to kick off the summer...
Under the heading of hilarious was the ride over to the appointment. During the consultation, they asked Kelsey is she was nervous about having oral surgery. Sheesh... what do you say to that? Heck yeah, I'm nervous! And bam! In addition to the scripts for antibiotics and steroids and pain pills, Kelsey got one for Valium. No one asked ME is I was nervous about her oral surgery. I suppose they figured someone had to drive.
Oh yeah... the ride. At one point, Kelsey looked at me and said, "For some reason all I can think of to say is, 'I want a pony.'" So I told the nurse/assistant (what do you call them in an oral surgeon's office?) that if she asked for a pony, tell her she'll get one later, but they aren't allowed in the office. I'm still dealing with the fallout from Chauncy the imaginary unicorn who lives in our backyard.
Normally I hate meds of any kind. I scoff at notion of better-living-through-chemistry. But on Monday, I was good with it, and I have been ever since.
Why? Well... take a look...
And that's about how the whole adventure has gone. She wakes up. She's feeling pretty good once the meds kick in. She interacts with the world for a little while. She crashes. She wakes up. She's feeling pretty good. She interacts with the world for a little while. She crashes.
There was one moment on Monday where I would have regrown my own wisdom teeth and had them removed again if I could have saved her the pain she was in. I sat on the stoop outside and cried. Then I got my act together and came in and made another chocolate milkshake. I think I made four that day.
Thanks for the prayers. There are great moments and not-so-great moments in her recovery, but overall she's getting better and better each day.