Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nothin' like a little oral surgery to kick off the summer...

So on Monday, Kelsey had her wisdom teeth extracted by an oral surgeon. Four of those babies. All impacted. Nice. She will attest that surgery is a breeze. Recovery, on the other hand, well... not so simple.

Under the heading of hilarious was the ride over to the appointment. During the consultation, they asked Kelsey is she was nervous about having oral surgery. Sheesh... what do you say to that? Heck yeah, I'm nervous! And bam! In addition to the scripts for antibiotics and steroids and pain pills, Kelsey got one for Valium. No one asked ME is I was nervous about her oral surgery. I suppose they figured someone had to drive.

Oh yeah... the ride. At one point, Kelsey looked at me and said, "For some reason all I can think of to say is, 'I want a pony.'" So I told the nurse/assistant (what do you call them in an oral surgeon's office?) that if she asked for a pony, tell her she'll get one later, but they aren't allowed in the office. I'm still dealing with the fallout from Chauncy the imaginary unicorn who lives in our backyard.

Normally I hate meds of any kind. I scoff at notion of better-living-through-chemistry. But on Monday, I was good with it, and I have been ever since.

Why? Well... take a look...

We had just gotten home and gotten a little food into Kelsey so she could take her pain med. Facebooking all the way. Still under sedation from the procedure.

Still on Facebook on her iTouch. Pepper sensed something had happened to Kelsey and was absolutely set on sitting as close to Kelsey's face as possible. I think she was taking care of Kels in her own little sweet doggie way.

With a mouthful of gauze, Kelsey sat up and posed for a picture. She wanted to capture her chipmunk cheeks. Sadly, they weren't very swollen at the time.

I mean, I totally admit I'm biased, but I think she looks pretty cute in this picture. It was still early in the afternoon. She'd had a nap. We were just rolling along...

Then around dinnertime, she ran out of gas. Bless her heart, she fell asleep sitting up at the table. That's a chocolate milkshake. Her throat hurt something fierce after the surgery, so milkshake = good.

Is that the most pitiful look you've seen in a while or what? She woke up and not long after this picture, she headed for bed with her ice packs.

And that's about how the whole adventure has gone. She wakes up. She's feeling pretty good once the meds kick in. She interacts with the world for a little while. She crashes. She wakes up. She's feeling pretty good. She interacts with the world for a little while. She crashes.

There was one moment on Monday where I would have regrown my own wisdom teeth and had them removed again if I could have saved her the pain she was in. I sat on the stoop outside and cried. Then I got my act together and came in and made another chocolate milkshake. I think I made four that day.

Thanks for the prayers. There are great moments and not-so-great moments in her recovery, but overall she's getting better and better each day.

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