Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Challenge 3... the tweeters and college...

No one is ever going to pay you to tweet.

I believe those were my words as I was exhorting my child unto a degree in education.

That would have been about three or four months before she was named social media manager for her college newspaper for the 2014-2015 school year. A paying position. They're paying her to tweet.

And THEN she gets paid to write an article for a social media blog... on Twitter.  Evidently you can not only get paid to tweet, you can also get paid to write about tweeting. What do I know?

What DO I know? I know that I'm a proud momma and my role has shifted. Instead of dispensing edicts, I'm making suggestions. We've hit that point where I'm parenting a young adult. It's weird and wonderful and challenging.

Speaking of challenging, the answer is three. I can get three blog posts written in about an hour, while also watching Shark Tank and talking with the family.

Hey, that's the same number of licks it takes to get the the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop.

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