Thursday, June 12, 2014

Challenge 8... hello, fitbit...

My precious. My birthday present. (Why yes, we have read The Hobbit twice in the past calendar year.) 

Hopefully it won't make me evil. And hopefully it will make a little more of me disappear. 

Last September we had a family event which produced a family photo of Jimmy and his brother, plus the wives and all the cousins. The photo op just so happened to come on the heels of a physical in which my doctor concluded with, "Get thee to a nutritionist and a gym if thou wishest to live long in the land the Lord hath given thee and enjoy the fruits of thine family for generations to come." Between  medical exhortation and photographic evidence, I decided denial isn't a happy place and sent up an SOS to my old health coach. 

Nine months later, I am eight pounds from the weight I'd like to be and sitting nicely in the middle of a lifestyle revolution that includes less junk, more movement, more rest, and an all-around more purposeful and distinctly more healthy approach to life. And it feels awesome. 

For the first time ever that I've tackled weight loss (and ohmyword have I done this many times), my main goal is to be healthy, not just to lose weight. It's a package deal. I do have a goal number in mind because after 20 years, I think I should probably take off the rest of the baby weight I gained through three pregnancies-- hence the weight more pounds is like to lose. But the number isn't the driving force; the lifestyle is.

At this point, eating is under control and I've cultivated some good habits there, but I'm sporadic at best with movement and facing a summer that could go either way -- sedentary or active. 

So for my birthday, I asked Jimmy to get me a FitBit. I'm thrilled for the definitive tracking I'll get. I'm sure I think I move more than I actually do, so I'm using this took to spur me on to movement and good habits. It even tracks sleep and water--- those are my two weakest areas of compliance with great health habits. 

So yay for birthdays! And supportive hubbies. And zillionth chances. And grace. And even yay for technology. 

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