Thursday, June 5, 2014

Challenge 4... david blaine and graduation...

David Blaine just swallowed a string and pulled it out of his stomach. From the skin on the outside. Creepiest thing I've seen all day, and I spent a good chunk of it cleaning my classroom, which was pretty scary.

It's late, and I really should go to sleep, but David Blaine's doing street magic in the South (Memphis, I think. I saw the gates of Graceland), and the people... are... priceless.  Goodness, I love a good southern accent. Even David Blaine is talking with a southern accent now.

We are heading to the Angus Barn on Friday after Zane's graduation. They have a magician there, who travels from table to table doing card tricks and making foam pieces multiply. He's wildly entertaining, although I'm sure some of the nonmagical folks might not appreciate their fairly pricy celebratory dinner being interrupted while he makes their money and rings disappear.

We're a pretty fun-loving family, though, so we're up for the throwback to the middle ages where traveling performers and court jesters entertained during the feasts. It makes waiting for the perfect meal seem like it doesn't take so long.

Graduation on the heels of a very busy week, followed by a lovely family dinner afterwards and then a lovely cookout with friends on Saturday. Should be a lovely weekend.

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