Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Challenge Accepted...

Each quarter my Honors Creative Writing class has to write 20 blog posts of at least 200 words each. I just finished grading [all of] them [that were done]. Apparently procrastination is a running theme.

Probably 60 percent of the bloggers mentioned [incessantly] that they procrastinated and didn't do the blog posts until the last minute. At least two said they saved them all for the night before they were due. Bless their hearts.

So, I'm going to see what that's like. All the things I can grade are graded. I'm just sitting here, hitting refresh to see if anything fun is happening in the world. Surely, I can knock out a mere 20 blog posts before bedtime. Surely.

And already I see some benefit to this challenge. Blogger doesn't have word count, so you have to type everything into a Word document first. I never saw that coming. Everything I do is based on word count. Who DOESN'T keep track of word count? Blogger evidently.

In case you were wondering, that was 166 words.

And that explains why my students write about 3/4 of a post and then shift to another topic.

Squirrels. What's the deal with squirrels? (One time when I was probably six or seven years old, my next door neighbor tried to catch a squirrel by the tail. Pulled the poor squirrel's tail right off and wore it from the brim of his baseball cap, like some sort of crazed Davy Crockett.)

246 words.


1 comment:

Shannon Dingle said...

Have I ever told you about my pet squirrel, Squirt? If not, remind me to do so someday...